Thanks for taking a minute to read something here. I only write sporadically. In my everyday life, I pastor a church with my wife, parent three kids, and am an administrator, personal trainer and entertainer for a Labradoodle named Benji, with more personalities than all of my kids, their cousins and classmates.

I also dabble with words.

Some of those are here.

I’ve had the privilege of a pretty cool life from youth pastoring since almost out of high-school myself to travelling the world after writing a video game of the Bible with some friends here in New Zealand to now pastoring a church in the city I spent most of my life in and thought I’d never return too.

God is funny aye.

I’ve been able to preach around New Zealand and the United States and though I pastor a ‘big’ (which I think is my youngest’s interpretation of adult) church in Mt Eden, Auckland, I love that God never has us settle into comfortable and instead is constantly inviting us on an adventure with him.

I pray that as you read the words on these pages, they draw you closer to Jesus and you are invited into His story.